Keep in mind that the Deployment Environment object is just a description of the topology. 记住,DeploymentEnvironment对象只是拓扑描述。
The test environment description shows the combination of hardware and software platforms to be used in testing. 测试环境描述中显示在测试中要使用硬件和软件平台的组合。
The visual technology of electromagnetic signal in the virtual battlefield environment was investigated and several description methods of signal in the time-field and space-field were introduced. 对虚拟战场环境中电磁信号的可视化技术进行了初步的研究,介绍了几种通信信号和干扰信号的时域和空间域的绘制方法。
On the Role the Natural Environment Description Plays in "The Return of The Native" 论自然环境描写在《还乡》中的角色地位
Deficiency is the psychological description is overmuch, can be in action, rub depictions of some more, in addition, can also add environment description, this article will look more vivid. 不足之处是心理描写过多,可以在动作、场面上的描写多一些,另外,还可以加入环境描写,这样文章会显得更生动。
Based on Environment Ontology Web Service Description: A Projection Approach 基于环境本体的Web服务投影描述方法
These two views of language environment offer a similar description of the contextual factors, yet interpret differently the processes. 认知语境和传统语境在对语境因素构成的描述上相似,但对语境运作方式的解释大相径庭。
The writer mainly focuses on the man-made environment with little description of the natural scenery, which indicates the marginality of nature. 在该作品中,德里罗对人造环境浓墨重彩,对自然环境只作了极少的描写,反映了自然的边缘状态。
By taking advantages of the means of environment description, description of the dialogue and psychology of characters, and that of the conflicts, and comparison, the author created a number of live images. 作者运用了环境描写、人物语言、心理描写、矛盾冲突及对比手法等高超的写人艺术,塑造出如此众多鲜明独特的人物形象。
Liu Xiang's three books are in to the novel transition stage, its itself already initially had the novel factor, the plot integrity, the character image is also bright, the attention humanities environment description, had the very big inspiration to later generation's novel. 刘向的三部书处于向小说过渡的阶段,它本身已经初步具备小说的因素,情节完整,人物形象也鲜明,注重人文环境的描写,对后世的小说有很大启发。
On the basis of introduction of the principles and methods of constructing ontology, the thesis gives a method to model the given business of water environment using description logics. 在对本体构建的原则和方法进行介绍的基础上,给出了使用描述逻辑对水环境特定业务建模的方法,然后使用描述逻辑SHIQ为水环境特定业务建模,构建知识库;
Based on cooperative theory, some key technologies of the design and implementation of electric whiteboard, including its architecture, the awareness mechanism, the concurrency control strategy towards the educational environment, and the description of the elements in whiteboard system are discussed in this paper. 论文基于协同理论论述了设计与实现电子白板的关键技术,介绍了电子白板的体系结构和感知服务,并提出教学环境下的并发控制策略以及白板系统支持元素的描述。
This article points how to build currency configuration of CNC failure database, and introduces CNC failure model, subsystem and parts code, failure reason code, main characteristic, running environment, function description of CNC failure data processing software; 论文指出了数控机床故障数据库的通用结构的建立,介绍了数控机床故障模式、子系统及部件代码,故障原因代码,数控机床故障数据处理软件主要特点、运行环境和功能描述;
Undoubtedly, her novels are classed to urban literature by the themes, characters, environment description and narration approaches. 诚然池莉的小说无论从题材主题、人物形象塑造、环境情景描写还是叙事手法等方面来说,都无可争议地归属城市市井文学;
Some key techniques are analyzed in detail, such as map representation, localization and environment feature-extraction, description and process of uncertain information. 比较详细地分析了地图表示方法、定位和环境特征的提取、不确定信息的表示和处理等关键技术;
A Discussion on the Aesthetic Exceeding of Environment Description in Lu Xun's Fictions 谈鲁迅小说中环境描写的审美超越
This article reanalyzes its permanent artistic charm from such aspects as the author's unique character and life experience, characterization and Gothic style in terms of environment description and plot construction. 女作家独特的性格和生活经历,作品中极具个性的人物塑造,环境刻画和情节构造方面的哥特手法,使《呼啸山庄》具有了永恒的艺术魅力。
This paper expounds the obscurity in military warfare environment, emphasizing on the construction of functions in military warfare environment description. 论述军队作战环境的模糊性,着重探讨作战环境描述中隶属函数的构造方法,并举例用曲线拟合法进行构造。
The development course 、 exploitation flow 、 exploitation environment and hardware description language of programmable logic device are discussed in detail too. 介绍了可编程逻辑器件的发展历程、开发流程、开发环境、硬件描述语言等内容。
The Environment Manager and Environment Description Language in the Distributed Virtual Environment 分布式虚拟环境下的环境管理器及环境描述语言
Further more, he not only inherited the critique and exposition essence in Lu Xun's local novel, but also refined two new kinds of working people figures and strengthened the gorgeous environment description absorption uses in local novels. 同时继承和完善了鲁迅的乡土世界,其小说不仅力承批判暴露质素,并且提炼出两种新兴的劳动人民形象,并在创作中加强了乡土小说对绚丽环境描写的吸收和承用。
The empirical analysis includes the analysis of marketing environment, the description of present situation and question. 然后,对中国四大商业银行营销进行了实证分析,包括营销环境分析以及营销现状和问题的描述。
Residential niche contains residents social attribute factor and traditional regional influence factors, can from residents and residential environment two aspects description and evaluation living location. 居住生态位包含居民社会属性因子和传统区位影响因子,能从居民及居住环境两方面描述及评价居住区位。
Environment modeling is basic subject for robot research aspect, at the same time, it is the premise that center decision-making mode applies to the actual situation successfully, the task of environment modeling is modeling description in environmental space, object position and posture. 环境建模是机器人研究的基础性课题,同时也是中心决策模式得以顺畅应用的前提,其主要任务便是对环境空间与物体位置、姿态进行模型化表述。
This part is divided into three aspects, which consists of colorful magnificent environment description, language display of the deep penetrating, fresh and unique individual statements. 该部分分为斑斓瑰丽的环境描写、精深入微的语言展示和鲜活独特的个体言说等三个部分。
In order to reduce the amount of calculation, a new environment description method combining point landmarks and its adjacent matrix which is calculated with the landmarks and its vectors is put forward. 此外,为了降低状态向量维数从而降低计算量,提出一种用点特征与方向矢量计算邻接矩阵,进而用点特征与邻接矩阵完整描述环境信息的地图表述方法。
Describes the system development environment, a detailed description of the system design and implementation of strategies, analysis of related technologies and options. 介绍了系统的开发环境,详尽地描述了本系统的设计方案与实现策略,对相关技术进行分析和选择。
In electricity market environment, the quantified description from power quality synthetic evaluation is a vital basis for power quality evaluation and electricity pricing. 在电力市场环境下,对电能质量进行综合评估,得出量化结果,是衡量电能质量优劣和电价制定的重要依据。
Target on fault simulation under the SABER simulation software environment, the description of fault modeling and injection methods is necessary. 针对故障仿真环境SABER软件,从故障建模和注入两方面对实现方法进行了阐述。
As a very complicated problem, SLAM problem relates to many aspects of mobile robot research, especially to representation of environment, description and handling of uncertain information, data association, exploration strategy, and so on. 同步定位与建图又是一个复杂的问题,涉及到移动机器人研究的各个方面,特别是环境的表示方法、不确定信息的描述和处理方法、数据关联、环路闭合、探测策略等问题。